
Handcraftedl Herbal Soaps for All Skin Types. I hope that you will enjoy these infused solutions designed just for you.

I started making Herbal Soaps in 2021 for myself and family as I had with many other products of mine. After recieving numerous requests from people who experienced positive skin changes, I expanded and launched Feel Essence Botanik.

I studied and put together herbal formulas that would offer relief to persons experiencing skin ailments. Growing up in a household where my mother and father used herbs and plants daily, the art of herbal craft came natural for me.

After experiencing acne myself during my teenage years, ive been able to rewind and identify the cause of my then experience. Not only was it a skin issue, but a result of what ai had been experiencing in my environment.

The Root of most skin ailments, inflammation, irritation, breakges are a reault of an imbalance in the physical and mental arenas; such as excessive mucus, excessive sweets or salt, emotional eating, stress, anxiety etc.

In order to heal our skin, I'd simply suggest applying solutions such as proper water in take, balanced nutrition, reducing and eliminating stress and anxiety, reducing improper processed foods and more in order to
regenerate and rebalance our skin and cells.

Ive combined my knowledge and hands on experience to design high grade solutions for skin rejuvenation which then promotes relaxed, nurishing and supple skin.

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